Hi Everyone,
Sorry I have been absent.
We completed the Newcastle Craft and Sewing show on Sunday 19 th August, and packed up our stand, and started the long drive home at 6.30 pm. We arrived at Ringwood private hospital at 12.30 on Monday afternoon to visit my Dad, Keith who was in Knox hospital when we left two weeks earlier. The discovery of cancer necessitated radiation treatment, which he has had and is back at home and slowly recovering from.
We left the hospital and went to Rebecca's for lunch and then to swimming lessons with six little grand daughters. Mondays, although tiring is one of my favorites. This was the last Monday where all six grand daughters were under 3 years old!
Tuesday and Wednesday were spent at the shop packing the stock to be sent to Brisbane for the show in October.
Thursday we got to the shop early as our sale was starting the next day and I had to make some decisions as to what was going on sale. As it was Myra's 3rd birthday we had to leave the shop on time to go to her Birthday dinner. BUT, at 9.00 I started to feel unwell. By 10.30 I had been admitted to Knox hospital via emergency and diagnosed with a hernia problem. The abbreviated version, operated on at 5pm Thursday. Friday morning am told I can go home Pm, if off morphine, no problem and holding down food! Noon vomitting starts and the nausea doesn't stop. Eventually discharged Tuesday. Still unable to eat but going home. Friday I manage to eat 1 teaspoon of yoghurt and 1 grape. at this stage I have lost 6 kilo great for the diet but not recommended.
I am still not back at work, but by Monday night decided I had to eat something. Chocolate will go down. It worked chocolate milk, chocolate brownies, cadbury chocolate. I am now eating 3 meals a day.
The sale has been and finished and I am very grateful to our wonderful staff who ran the shop through the sale and are still doing so, as I recover.
To my wonderful husband Russell who has overseen the shop, while looking after me. Our son Brenton and his girlfriend Hayley who helped at the shop. Our son Hayden who was on annual leave and worked at the shop on three days. Our daughter Rebecca and her husband Gwilym who with four young daughters who were unwell and was without her car still managed to get to the shop many times to set up for the sale and restock most nights.
Thank you all
Gail B
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